lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010


Pupils from 2ºA level introduce us their pets
Ana Hai, María López, Samuel Ortiz, David Sierra, Mikel, Pablo, María Carretero, Carmen, Teresa, Álvaro, Mateo, Laura e Ismael.

Ana Hai
Mi perra se llama Luci, se le puede llamar Lulú. Cuando era pequeña cabía en un bolsillo. Ahora se come muchas cosas: aceitunas, morcilla, tomate, lechuga... Es muy lista...  LEER MÁS 

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

The garbage

Do you like garbage?

I don't like it. In the playground I see papers, juice boxes, bread, wrappers, straws, etc. on the ground. I wonder: what is the litter basket for? Since the children of 3th, 4th, 5th and 6th levels don't throw away garbage during recess, the little children throw garbage on the ground too. We also have to take care of the 3 year-old's playground. They have recess there and they don't like garbage either.
Please don't litter during recess!
The playground is your responsibility!

Carmen Callejas García. 6º.

The Laptop Computers

Hello, I'm Mª Angeles and I am in the 6th level of primary school.

The laptop computers came in February. They're fantastic. We love the laptops with the programs that are new for me.
They told us: “We sent the computer tables,” but the computer tables haven't arrived and we use the laptops with the old tables.

Mª Ángeles Checa Marabotto. 6º.

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